Getting Curious with JVN gets it wrong on insects
OPINION: Queer Eye star Jonathan Van Ness got to grips with insects and arachnids on their new Netflix spin-off show. What Van Ness failed to get a hold of so well, however, were the many inconsistencies in their message. Should we love insects or eat them, asks Claire Hamlett.
Advocating for insects: why, what and how to campaign effectively
Ending our series on insect agriculture that marked the release of our latest video, Dr Alex Lockwood discusses insect advocacy. When we have so much trouble helping non-vegans to make the ethical connection with traditionally farmed animals, how can we hope to do it with crickets and caterpillars?
Do insects feel pain?
FACT CHECK: Whether or not insects can feel pain is subject to debate due to the fact that there’s no tangible way of measuring it. Here, we look at the scientific evidence...
Who's who in the insect protein industry?
Marking the release of our latest video - Is insect farming the answer? - in the first of a series on insect agriculture, Claire Hamlett gives us a breakdown of the big players who stand to make the most from farming invertebrates.