Environment Andrew Gough Environment Andrew Gough

Eating our way to destruction: ‘Humanity must shift towards more plant-based diets,’ says a report by leading think tank Chatham House

Yet another high-profile institution has come out to say that we have to transition away from animal agriculture to lessen our impact on the planet, improve public health and avoid future pandemics. We look at the three recommendations from leading think tank Chatham House, with the backing of the UN, that point the finger firmly at the way we currently produce food.

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Veganism explained Andrew Gough Veganism explained Andrew Gough

Will a Biden presidency change anything for animals?

Less than one day into his first term as the most powerful man on the planet and US President Joe Biden had already signed no less than 17 executive actions with the aim of overturning some of the most controversial policies of his predecessor, Donald Trump. But will any of these, or indeed any of Biden’s plans for the next four years, have any positive impact on non-human animals?

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